Life Introduced Narratives
tiny insights to nudge your life open
And that my Loyal Readers, is a Wrap!
This 64 week journey really started 13 years ago when… …Week Sixty Three
The I-Ching Knows Your Future!
The I-Ching, or Book of Changes, is one of the… …Week Sixty Two
The Problem is Not the Problem
Rummaging around online one day, I found this quote: “The… …Week Sixty One
The People That Will Advance Humanity
I saw Oppenheimer last night. It presented the people and… …Week Sixty
The Power of Detachment in the Creative Process
I was interviewed by Jon Dwoskin about the process I… …WEEK FIFTY NINE
Changing Our Old, Outgrown Ways is a BITCH!
I have spent the last 58 weeks writing about everything… …Week Fifty Eight
Our Family has a “Disruptor”, “Disciplinarian”, “Peacemaker” and “Permissive”
If you have more than one child, chances are they… …Our Family has a “Disruptor”, “Disciplinarian”, “Peacemaker” and “Permissive” Read More »
Week Fifty Seven
This One is for My Mom – July 5, 2021
https://vimeo.com/842579664?share=copy …Week Fifty Six
The Teacher Appears When the Student is Ready
Recently I connected with a friend that happens to be… …Week Fifty Five
64 Truths
These are 64 of my truths, beliefs, convictions. …Week Fifty Four
Follow the Money
Yesterday, an all-too-common event happened in professional sports. This one… …Week Fifty Three
Life After Death
When the matter that is your body ceases to exist… …WEEK FIFTY TWO
The Many Characteristics of Cancer
Words are energy. The meanings that we attach to words… …Week Fifty One
We are all Mirrors for Each Other
If you take an inventory of those people in your… …Week Fifty
Life with ADHD
On February 11, 1985 at 2:00am I sat in a… …Week Forty Nine
Perfection is a Process, not a Destination
It’s Thursday, and I don’t have a clear line of… …Week Forty Eight
DO THIS if You Need A Way Out of a Difficult Situation
In 2010, my dad and I played in a 2-man… …DO THIS if You Need A Way Out of a Difficult Situation Read More »
Week Forty Seven
The Universe’s Quantum Data Base: Akashic Records
A number of years ago, well maybe more, I had… …The Universe’s Quantum Data Base: Akashic Records Read More »
Week Forty Six
Navigating the College Application Process
Our family went through the college application process in back-to-back… …Week Forty Five
Sauna’s are the Holy Grail.
Since I was a child, I have been going to… …Week Forty Four
Nature’s Language Explained
A few years ago, I had shoulder surgery and my… …Week Forty Three
Children Open a Gateway
“If you are at a train crossing with your child… …Week Forty Two
A Simple Story…with a Shocking Ending
I am something that can’t be seen, yet I exist… …Week Forty One
Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up!
On any given night, millions upon millions of people around… …Week Forty
Numerology: Your Lucky Numbers
This is my 40th Post. Numbers are energetic and as… …Week Thirty Nine
3 out of 10 for my Valentines Day Performance
I tend to wait till the last moment to execute… …Week Thirty Eight
The Benefits of Visiting Your Friendly Neighborhood Shaman
For the last 20 or so years I have visited… …The Benefits of Visiting Your Friendly Neighborhood Shaman Read More »
Week Thirty Seven
Conflict Equals Growth
Have you ever read anything on any social media platform… …Week Thirty Six
There is a “Force” in the Universe – and YOU can Tap into It
You develop literally hundreds of plans and make many more… …There is a “Force” in the Universe – and YOU can Tap into It Read More »
Week Thirty Five
Service to Others
You are here for two very important reasons. To educate yourself… …Week Thirty Four
Imperfection Has Made Our Marriage Perfect
It wasn’t love at first sight. I met Julie through… …Week Thirty Three
Your Best Friend is Also Your Guide
You are born into this life with the ability to… …Week Thirty Two
Stuff They Didn’t Teach you in School
All of my blogs are classified into 7 categories: You… …Week Thirty One
You have a physical body, heart, brain, appendages, organs that… …Week Thirty
The Will Hunting Effect
This is my 30th Life Introduced entry and, as acknowledgement, I… …Week Twenty Nine
Property Doesn’t Take the Place of People
Over the last twenty-two or so years, we have moved… …Twenty Eight
Life Without Alcohol
Three years ago I stopped drinking alcohol. I never considered… …Week Twenty Seven
Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life
Your thoughts (imagination), which are anchored to and navigated by… …Week Twenty Six
How Thought and Emotion are Connected to Physical Illness
For the last 25 years I have explored consciousness through… …How Thought and Emotion are Connected to Physical Illness Read More »
Week Twenty Five
Feng Shui – An instructional manual for inviting wealth, abundance and happiness into our lives
My son and his roommate just bought a fountain for… …Week Twenty Four
The Happiness Formula
A quick note about my previous post. I believe that… …Week Twenty Three
A Look Back at MY Life
After 20 years, my family is reordering. My kids have… …Week Twenty Two
The Physics of Living
The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to these… …Week Twenty One
“If You Build It, They Will Come”
There are a few older movies, that when they come… …Week Twenty
The 7 Energy Centers that Regulate your Life
I visited the Monroe Institute (a consciousness center) in Virginia… …Week Nineteen
A Perfect Life Dispelled
I joined Facebook back in 2008, and with my loaded-up… …Week Eighteen
The Stereo Console Lesson
After I graduated law school, I moved to New York.… …Week Seventeen
The Start of Something Extraordinary
My life changed the day I opened up the book… …Week Sixteen
The Many, Many Stages of Parenting
In 5 days, both of my kids will have left… …Week Fifteen
Golf and its Microcosm of Life Lessons
I golf a lot. I find every round of golf to… …Week Fourteen
Don’t Hijack Your Children
My wife and I have made the decision that it… …Week Thirteen
Parent Each Child Uniquely
I have 2 children, Jake and Blair. Julie and I… …Week Twelve
My Family
There was a time when I believed I knew “Who”… …Week Eleven
Have a Weekly Date Night
For a number of years, depending on whether we could… …Week Ten
Building a Home
After graduating law school, I moved to New York. I… …Week Nine
Don’t Quit
When I was younger I was a chronic quitter. High school… …Week Eight
The Power of Water
There is a reason that I have chosen to live… …Week Seven
Spend Time in Nature
We do not kill spiders in our house. So, when we… …Week Six
The Power of Experiential Therapy at Onsite
After my mother stopped drinking and started AA, she was… …Week Five
Trust Your Intuition
I had a conversation last night with a person I… …Week Four
An Exploration into the Secret Corridors of your Conscioussness with Hemi-Sync
For 20 years, I have practiced a type of meditation… …An Exploration into the Secret Corridors of your Conscioussness with Hemi-Sync Read More »
Week Three
Why would you meditate in the first place? When was… …Week Two
Be Judgement Free
There are no coincidences or accidents in life – Your… …Week One
First, A Simple Story
After work one day I visited my tailor, Lorenzo, around… …