Life is dynamic

Stuff They Didn’t Teach you in School

All of my blogs are classified into 7 categories: You design your own life, You are more than your physical body, All your power resides in the present moment, Change starts with 2-degree shifts, Detach from the outcome of events in your life, Life is dynamic and Pursue your passion.  I can’t expect you to trust the truths that I have promoted without offering you some helpful suggestions on how to realize the results for yourself.

Feng Shui – An instructional manual for inviting wealth, abundance and happiness into our lives

My son and his roommate just bought a fountain for their room in the fraternity house and wanted to know where they should put it. I told them either in the southeast corner of the room or near the door, but make sure the water faces into the room and doesn’t flow towards the door. How did I know this? Well, there is a 3,000 year old Chinese philosophy for “using energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment” called Feng Shui.

The Physics of Living

The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to these three physicists: John Clauser, Alain Aspect and Anton Zeilinger “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science.” 

Let’s take a quick quantum mechanics lesson to truly understand the implications of this discovery and how it radically affects our understanding of everything from technology, security and computing to our perception of consciousness and its role in the human experience.

The 7 Energy Centers that Regulate your Life

I visited the Monroe Institute (a consciousness center) in Virginia two times; the first time for their introductory Gateway meditation program and the second time for their Lifelines meditation program. I have spoken in detail about the Monroe Institute in previous blog posts, but here is more detailed information. It was during my second trip to the institute that I met an astrophysicist who had just recently retired from NASA and was determined to attend all 20 or so programs offered by the Institute. He told the group of an experience he had during his previous trip to the Monroe Institute during their Heartline program, and I would like to share it with you.

A Perfect Life Dispelled

I joined Facebook back in 2008, and with my loaded-up profile and a few pictures, I started populating my friend bank.  And I began unearthing people that I hadn’t seen or heard from in years, from old friends to old girlfriends to old colleagues.  But, after a while, the novelty of reconnecting wore off and I just really became an observer of other people’s posts. Being a social network voyeur, I found some patterns in certain Posters.

Don’t Quit

When I was younger I was a chronic quitter. High school wrestling and soccer, camp counselor, college fraternity, acting and the list goes on. 

Remembering back, at the time I had what I believed were legitimate reasons for quitting each endeavor.  I guess I could go through them, but I am not sure it really matters. What matters is that I quit. I started something with good intentions and when the road grew a little dark and challenging I shut down and turned away. 

The Power of Water

There is a reason that I have chosen to live my life in Michigan.  Let me say that I am not “stuck” here, because I have had the opportunity to move elsewhere.  But I have made the conscious and maybe a subconscious decision to stay here.  I like Michigan.  My family and friends are here, it is a great place in which to raise my children, I like the change in seasons, and the landscape.  As I have sat down to write this piece about water, I am reminded that Michigan is a state that is abundant in fresh water.  From lakes to streams and rivers water defines Michigan living.  On a subconscious level, I believe that part of my design for staying in Michigan is because of its water.

Spend Time in Nature

We do not kill spiders in our house. So, when we see one, like we did last night hanging from a single strand descending from the ceiling, we get the spider and move it outside or maybe just ignore it. Our family doesn’t “Kill Nature”. 

From a philosophical perspective there is no real difference between the value of life of a spider, a raccoon, a cow, a whale or Me.  Nature owns many treasures, and they can be discovered.

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