David Chernow

The Benefits of Visiting Your Friendly Neighborhood Shaman

For the last 20 or so years I have visited a Shaman. What is a “Shaman” you ask?  Well, here is how the dictionary defines a shaman “A shaman is a tribal healer who can act as a medium between the visible world and the spirit world.” Or this, “a person in some religions and societies who is believed to be able to contact good and evil spirits and cure people of illnesses.” Shamanism and the “medium”, energy crafter or practitioner called the Shaman, packs a much greater punch than you would gather from the definition alone.

Conflict Equals Growth

Have you ever read anything on any social media platform that makes fun of people who get tattoos of Chinese/Japanese symbols that never actually mean what the recipient thinks they mean?  Well, I’m that guy. And, I only found out a year in a half ago from a Chinese nurse that was treating my mother in the hospital.  See, I thought the symbol meant “Peace”, but it doesn’t. 

Imperfection Has Made Our Marriage Perfect

It wasn’t love at first sight. I met Julie through a few friends of mine 22 years ago, and after getting her number, didn’t call her back for 2 weeks.

After leaving maybe 20 messages on her answering machine (which today we call “stalking”) she called me back, reluctantly, and we spoke for three hours.

I knew I was going to marry her on our first official date. It was love at second sight.

Your Best Friend is Also Your Guide

You are born into this life with the ability to access many different forms of support, assistance and guidance.  There are essentially two categories: Internal (non-physical) and External (physical). Internal support, your IGS or Internal Guidance System, can consist of your intuition, spirit guides like departed loved ones, your future self or parallel selves, your higher power or guardian angels.

Stuff They Didn’t Teach you in School

All of my blogs are classified into 7 categories: You design your own life, You are more than your physical body, All your power resides in the present moment, Change starts with 2-degree shifts, Detach from the outcome of events in your life, Life is dynamic and Pursue your passion.  I can’t expect you to trust the truths that I have promoted without offering you some helpful suggestions on how to realize the results for yourself.


You have a physical body, heart, brain, appendages, organs that connect you to this life on Earth.  And, you also have a non-physical body, that connects you to many, many other places, times and people. Call it what you will, soul, spirit, a force – the authentic “YOU,” despite the death of your physical body, continues to live on and exist in other realities. And, that “soul” that is within you is actually part of a greater “Oversoul.” In fact, that soul lives on in many of “yous” that are created to experience different probabilities living out your life as a parallel you in a parallel universe.

Property Doesn’t Take the Place of People

Over the last twenty-two or so years, we have moved roughly nine times.  Although those moves have been within a two-mile radius, the whole process, from start to finish, is still quite a life disruption. We continued to move for a few reasons. The first was that my wife loved the whole process of finding a house, decorating it and then selling. Or, building a new house and selling it.  It fed her creative spirit. The second, and maybe most important, is that however connected we were to our homes, they were just that: things.

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