The 7 Energy Centers that Regulate your Life

I visited the Monroe Institute (a consciousness center) in Virginia two times; the first time for their introductory Gateway meditation program and the second time for their Lifelines meditation program. I have spoken in detail about the Monroe Institute in previous blog posts, but here is more detailed information: It was during my second trip to the institute that I met an astrophysicist who had just recently retired from NASA and was determined to attend all 20 or so programs offered by the Institute. He told the group of an experience he had during his previous trip to the Monroe Institute during their Heartline program, and I would like to share it with you.

First, some background information.  Each program, back before Covid, usually had 35-40 participants living, meditating, eating and sharing experiences together over a five-day period. Everyone was paired with a roommate and lived in a dormitory styled room and slept in a bed called a “Check Unit”. Your Check Unit was a conventional full-size bed that was equipped with an audio unit that you could plug your headphones into, in addition to housing 2 speakers located above you on either side of your head. Before every meditation, and there were 4 a day, you would plug your headphones in, pull the shades closed on your check unit, lay down and listen. Every participant, once plugged in, listened to the same guided mediation. And, when it was concluded, everyone would gather in the meeting room and share their experiences.

The Physicist had told the group, during one of these sessions a story about his previous roommate. He explained that his roommate was a Vietnam veteran who had spent the last 30 years (my trip to the institute was in the 1990’s) trying to connect with his squad. See, he and his fellow soldiers were out on a mission one night, and they were ambushed. I believe all 9-11 soldiers in his squad were killed, except for him. For 30 years he had blamed himself and tried every possible way to reach the members of his squad on the other side. From psychics to swami’s, he had tried in vain for 30 years to contact these men to tell them how sorry he was and ask for their forgiveness for surviving that night 30 or so years prior.  

During one of the group meditations, the physicist, deep in his meditation, had felt a presence in his check unit. He immediately awoke and opened his eyes.  And, stuffed into the unit, was his roommates’ squad.  All of them. They explained that they had been trying for years to contact him but couldn’t because his low personal vibratory rate wouldn’t allow for it.  The physicist was resonating at a perfect frequency for contact. They told him that they never blamed his roommate and thus had no need to forgive him. They also provided a message that only his roommate could verify for validation.  The physicist immediately relayed the information and his roommate cried with the weight of 30 years of guilt exorcised.

Do you want to know “why” they were unable to make contact?  Have you heard about energy vortexes in YOUR body called Chakra’s?

There are 7 of these energy vortexes or Chakras in your body and they act as portals or bridges between the different sections of your physical body, lower and upper, and as a gateway between you and other parallel universes, parallel selves and dimensions. 

When your Chakra’s are BLOCKED, the results can be emotional, spiritual and physical illness and stuckness, but when they are CLEAR, together they act as a channel or highway that operates as a bridge for access to other dimensions, and also imbues your experience in physical form with protection, pleasure, personal power, unconditional love, peace, Inspiration, clarity and spiritual purpose. Who wouldn’t want that? Here is how it works…

This is a map of your 7 Chakras and each Chakra, which has been described as a swirling vortex of energy is responsible for a very specific region of your body and governs certain emotional and physical functions.

According to Anodea Judith, “Chakras can be open or closed, excessive or deficient. A closed or blocked chakra is a chronic avoidance of certain energies (e.g. love energy or communication), while an excessively open chakra is a chronic fixation. For example, someone with a closed third chakra (personal power) would be frightened of confrontation, while another who is more open would thrive on it. Someone with an open second chakra (sexuality) may juggle many sexual partners, while someone who is closed may avoid even feeling sexual.”

Here are the areas and functions our Chakras govern:

(1) Root Chakra

  1. Place: Pelvic Area
  2. Color: Orange
  3. Function: Sexuality & Creativity
  4. Clear Chakra Feeling: Pleasure, Sensuality and Trust
  5. Imbalance: Guilt, Envy, Codependency, sexual problems, excessive emotional attachments, manipulative behavior, self-pity

(2) Sacral Chakra

  1. Place: Pelvic Area
  2. Color: Orange
  3. Function: Sexuality & Creativity
  4. Clear Chakra Feeling: Pleasure, Sensuality and Trust
  5. Imbalance: Guilt, Envy, Codependency, sexual problems, excessive emotional attachments, manipulative behavior, self-pity

(3) Solar Plexus Chakra

  1. Place: Pelvic Area
  2. Color: Orange
  3. Function: Sexuality & Creativity
  4. Clear Chakra Feeling: Pleasure, Sensuality and Trust
  5. Imbalance: Guilt, Envy, Codependency, sexual problems, excessive emotional attachments, manipulative behavior, self-pity

(4) Heart Chakra

  1. Place: Heart
  2. Color: Green
  3. Function: Love
  4. Clear Chakra Feels: Unconditional love, healing, sincerity, acceptance, peace, compassion
  5. Imbalance: Complicated relationships, Tragic losses, Loneliness, Lack of confidence, Depression, Anxiety, Fear of commitment or ‘Following one’s heart’

(5) Throat Chakra

  1. Place: Throat
  2. Color: Blue
  3. Function: Communication, Creative Expression and Speaking your Truth
  4. Clear Chakra Feels: Clear Communicates Truth, Open self-expression, Inspiration, Creativity
  5. Imbalance: Feeling you’ve ‘lost your voice’, Deceptive & Inability to express yourself

(6) Third Eye Chakra

  1. Place: Center between brows
  2. Color: Indigo
  3. Function: Clairvoyance, Intuition and Imagination
  4. Clear Chakra Feels: Awareness, Personal Life Mission, Intuition, Intellect,
  5. Imbalance: Trouble Concentrating or Remembering things, Recurring nightmares, Lost, Detached from the world

(7) Crown Chakra

  1. Place: Top of Head
  2. Color: Violet
  3. Function: Knowledge, Deep understanding, transcendent consciousness
  4. Clear Chakra Feeling: Clear spiritual purpose, harmony, divine connection, higher consciousness, sense of unity, everything becomes simple and sacred, faith
  5. Imbalance: Indecisive, worry, depression, alienation, boredom, disconnection, lack of purpose

Information relating to Chakra functions and governance was extracted from Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith

So many things can create blockages in any one of our Chakras and create imbalances; cultural, institutional and familial programming and patterns to present and past life trauma. And, these imbalances can keep you “trapped” in ever repeating experiential patterns (relationships, jobs, habits, etc.) throughout your life. By removing those blockages we clear our Chakras, vibrate at a higher frequency and begin to live life in a healthier and more productive manner. 

Throughout the last twenty-five (give or take a few) years I have experimented with a number of modalities:  Reiki, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Panchakarma, Meditation, Tai-Chi and Yoga.  But, by far the 2 most effective modalities for me is a particular Hemi-Sync meditation called Energy Centers Focus 12 and a visit to my Shaman, who I have been visiting for close to 20 years whenever I feel out of balance.

Whatever your go-to fix is does not matter, as long as it works for you. But remember, since the Chakra’s do work in concert and in ascending order with each other your Chakra clearing and activation should begin at the Root Chakra, your connection to Earth.    

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