There was a time when I believed I knew “Who” I was
Comfortable with the quiet in my mind
And the dependable spin of the World
Soon, destiny would speak
Our lives on a path of synchronicity
Heading for each other
Would hurt deep when we fought
Would smile at your happiness
Would give my life for yours
There was a time when I believed I knew “Who” I was
And then you spoke to my Soul in silence
And it all changed.
Would soon change my life
Would soon change our lives
Would become everything I could ever ask for
Would become the only one I couldn’t live without
Would just “Be” when we were together
A tiny princess
She has stepped into this world
With the universe mirrored
In her tiny crystal clear eyes
Translucent but dense with wonderment
I see awe in them
And gentleness
I see her fire that burns my eyes
I see her past…
She is an old soul
I see her present…
Her confidence her thoughts of invincibility
Her adventure and her love and spirit
I see her future….
All those whom she has touched
All those whom have been given moments
And they tell me, without words
That she is special and a gift from somewhere else
And I tell them that she is my little girl
And I tell them to be gentle with her and love her forever
As I do
I want to look into his eyes
Eyes of wonder
Eyes of clarity and simplicity
Not clouded with experience
And hold his face gently in my hands
I want to tell him
To dance and laugh
To swim and play tag
I want to tell him
To get messy and eat lots of popcorn
I want to tell him
To love himself and appreciate himself
To be gentle with himself
And remember that if he believes he can do it
Then he can!
He can be a Superhero and a Wolf
He can be Spiderman
And he can fly
I want to tell him
That it is O.K. to make mistakes
…But, I guess the really important things he has to dream on his own